College of Nursing
- About The College
- Academic Programs
- Faculty
- Message From Deann
On January 19, 2004, permit was granted by CHED for the College of Nursing to operate. Thus, it is the start of the journey towards the practice of FAITH, EXCELLENCE and SERVICE in the NURSING PROFESSION.
From 2004-2009, major events in the SMC College of Nursing life and works were being unfolded. The students were exposed in various settings – from school laboratories to hospital and community settings. These varied exposures led the students from being creative in their outputs thus expanding their horizons on how to capture their learning and confidently re-apply it again in actual health related situations.
Two years passed , we were able to produce SMC Nurses and a Top 9th Placer in the June 2008 Philippine Nursing Board Examination.
The journey towards Faith, Excellence and Service is not an easy task. It needs to be a lived experience so each must learn from whatever challenges that one encounters. “With God on our side, who can be against us?”
College of Nursing (CON) offers the following course:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
We hereby commit to provide education and training necessary to produce quality nursing graduates who will live by the core values of Faith, Excellence and Service.
We envision ourselves as a community of integrated persons, developing young men and women to become nurses, witnessing to Christ in the spirit of Mary as lived by Mother Ignacia, fully human and alive for others.
In offering the Bachelor of Science in Hotel & Restaurant Management, is committed to the development of graduates who can work effectively as managers of the hospitality industry. The program seek to achieve the following objectives:
Vision-Mission: Adapted from the V-M of the RVM Nursing School Council of Deans (2005)
Goals of Nursing Education
The Nursing curriculum is geared towards equipping caring nurse in the prevention of diseases, promotion and restoration of health, the alleviation of suffering; assisting clients to face death with dignity and in peace. It also aids in shaping practitioner a critical thinking nurse practitioner in developing leadership program management, effective communication and community organization.
General Objectives
At the end of the course, the college aims to produce a fully functioning nurse that demonstrates beginning professional competencies utilizing effectively the nursing process in the care of clients.
Specific Objectives
Specifically, the nursing program aims to:
S | et a standard of quality nursing education, service and administration, thereby elevating Filipino nurses at par with their contemporaries in the Philippines and abroad. |
T | each aspiring student nurses that nursing is more than just a course but a vocation to be imbedded in the hearts of every professional nurse in the discharge of duty. |
M | ake the nursing service a good experience to every individual (well or ill) by training student nurses to become responsive to the holistic needs of man, families and community. |
I | nculcate the need for TLC (Tender Loving Care) in the discharge of duty to people of diverse age, gender, race, belief, and religion. |
C | hallenge every Filipino nurse to provide service first to its country, thereby developing the value of nationalism. |
H | ave nurses who intentionally use the Nursing Process in solving any health concerns of the individual, their families and the community, and utilizes research findings in the development of new trends of health care. |
A | dvocates Primary Health Care, stressing in every health education by the nurse that prevention is always the best cure for every disease. |
E | nhance the development of therapeutic skills that would help the nurse cope with the various needs of patients may it be physical, physiological, emotional, social and spiritual. |
L | iberate nurses from traditional nursing function of just being a health care service provider but rather its function extends into somebody who independently and responsibly discharges its role as leader, manager, educator, organizer and essential team member in the entire health force. |
S | ail to a new horizon of steadfast FAITH, EXCELLENT attitude, and humbling SERVICE in the advent of new inventions and high technology modalities of care without forgetting the basics. |

Mae F. Cabigon, RN, MN

Zainne S. Banding

Gerlyn L. Gingoyon

Evangeline B. Mananquil